And The Villegiature Awards 2016 nominees are …
58 hotels and 5 hotels groups have just been nominated by the 21 journalists that make up the Prix Villegiature Awards. The results are online on the official website of the Villegiature Awards.

This year, there are two new categories : « Best hotel creativity and ingenuiti in Europe » and « Best hotels group in Europe ».
The Jury meetings occured in Paris Villegiature Awards headquarters, and jury members explained, developped, justifie their point of views not only taking into account their own experiences but also considering what they know about the habits and uses of their own magazines readers that can be American, Italian, Chinese or Japanese.
As usual for this tough « nomination phasis », discussions were sometimes difficult, very different point of views from one another, and final selection are quite a hard task ! But we have to provide the final list of the best nominees in each category. And you will have this detailed information by going to the Villegiature Awards official website, on this specific page : Villegiature Awards 2016 Nominees.